CAGR/Max DD% and Sharp ratio ?
what’s the most priority betwee CAGR/Max DD% and Sharp ratio ? When prioritizing between CAGR/Max DD% and Sharpe Ratio, it
Combinated, Lets proceed
Great! Now that we’re moving forward with the Trend + Breakout + Swing Trading combination, here’s the plan to
Continue combination…
To start with a combination that covers different market conditions while aligning with your desired strategy, I
My desired strategy
My desired strategy, can you adaption with those 12 strategies above and use my signals, make it
Simulate basic 12 straegies method
simulate for this 12 straegies method by using my signals provided: 1. Price action trading 2. Range
SQX signals in my hand
okin now on the way of building from above we’re talking. i’m listig all signals that i
I got 400 from builds
then i got 400 from builds type : Exit everday 23:00, Exit on Friday 23:40, Exit Rules
Sharpe ratio greater than 2?
A Sharpe ratio greater than 1 is a positive indicator for a trading strategy, but when it’s over 2,
Ranking Consider
i just building and got some prototype but i asking u: Profit factor, Ret/DD ratio, Stability, Fitness,
M1 data and a 20-year range.
i use M1 data and 20yrs old of data range. too high or its ok? cuz i
Using genetic evolution
SQX has too many signal and indicators in it. so if i let it generating by genetic
Build a strategy in StrategyQuant X
do it your best with my need to build on main TF H1, sub chart H4. H1
StrategyQuant X (SQX), the exit type.
in SQX, Exit type contain Exit After Bars, Move SL 2 BE (+ SL 2 BE Add
CFX file in SQX
lets talk about Strategy Quant, can u analysis .CFX file for SQX It seems like you’re referring